Monday, September 24, 2012

Vocabulary: Fall List #6

Adroit: skillful, successful or ingenious. 
Amicable: characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly. 
Averse: having a strong feeling opposition, antipathy, repugnance, etc. 
Belligerent: warlike; given to waging war; of warlike character. 
Benevolent: desiring to help others; charitable. 
Cursory: going rapidly over something, without noticing details; hasty.; superficial. 
Duplicity: an act or instance of such deceitfulness. 
Extol: to praise highly; laud; eulogize. 
Feasible: capable of being done, effected, accomplished.
Grimace: a facial expression, often ugly or contorted, that indicates disapproval, pain, etc. 
Holocaust: a mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life. 
Impervious: not permitting penetration or passage; impenetrable. 
Impetus: a moving force; impulse; stimulus. 
Jeopardy: hazard or risk of or exposure to loss, harm, death, injury. 
Meticulous: taking or showing extreme care about minute details. 
Nostalgia: a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life. 
Quintessence: the pure and concentrated essence of a substance. 
Retrogress: to back into an earlier and usually worse condition. 
Scrutinize: to examine in detail with careful or critical attention. 
Tepid: moderately warm; lukewarm. 

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